MERRY CHRISTMAS ! Wishing all of you a Merry Holiday and may 2009 be a Happy New Year!!
Why don't teenagers come with a owner's manual?
Well today this CUTE GUY is 41 years old. But I am looking at the 41st year of my life, as the first year of the next 40 years. So look for me to post a picture of me at 40 on my 81st Birthday.
So a Birthday Wish into CyberSpace....
Well, you know that I would definately "Wish Upon A Star", but a gift that would be fine with me would be another trip to..
Not someone that I would have wanted to share my birthday with BUT, At least she was a MOUSEKETEER!
[Drum Roll, Trumpet Fanfare]
The Birthday of the Greatest Imagineer and Mouseketeer:
Walter Elias Disney
So Make this a Magical Day ... I will try to follow in Walt's Footsteps;
So on December 5th, sometime during your day, hum, whisle, or sing a Disney Song!
You will be "tipping your hat" to the Dreamer that gave the World a little more joy and happiness than it had before.
Remember, It all started with a Mouse !
"In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti..."
"Hey, what's that chirp?"
Apparently hoping to get in the good graces of a higher power, Sprint is providing emergency communications for Pope Benedict XVI during his trip this weekend to New York City.
Before the spiritual leader of the world's 1 billion Catholics arrived in the Big Apple today, Sprint deployed 600 Direct Connect phones for both emergency services and communication between security personnel and the Pope's caravan.
Sprint was chosen for the project by the Archdiocese of New York.
"Robust communications are integral to the success of the Pope's visit, and we decided to work with Sprint because of their industry-leading Nextel Direct Connect product and the instant connectivity that it will provide to our staff during all activities over the next few days," Joseph Zwilling, director of communications for the Archdiocese, said in a statement.
Sprint said 40 Direct Connect phones will be used by the Elite Fleet and the Pope's Caravan, all Cardinals and Vatican VIP personnel as they travel through the city.
The walkie-talkie like phones are best recognized by the familiar chirp which indicates someone is trying to contact them.
Not that there will be any question where Pope Benedict is during the three-day visit, Sprint said the security team will have access to Actsoft's Comet Tracker, which provides GPS location of Direct Connect phones.
The pontiff will speak to the United Nations today, meet with clergy on Saturday and visit the World Trade Center site and say Mass at Yankee Stadium on Sunday.
Submitted by DaveHayes on Fri, 2008-04-18 12:30.
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