So I got into the park about 9:30am and it was busy. I had spent the entire week training the Super Users on the Nextel devices and I was ready to enjoy the park. I am working every day from Sunday to Sunday and so I knew this would be my only opportunity to get in the park.

The attention to detail is incredible! The Imagineers could have made ordinary benches, but instead they created benches with Mickey Ears. So I guess these could be considered.... Hidden Mickeys.
I also took a 30 minutes drive to visit the Mission San Juan Capistrano ..... "Where the Swallows come back to Capaistrano" of course I wasn't visiting, when they come back..March 19th.... So no swallows but a very interesting place .....
Check out the link for the pictures for MSJ.
Nice pictures. I showed the Buzz Lightyear pic to Blake and he said, "It's Buzz. Where's Woody?" lol.
I did not make it to Woody's Roundup! ! ! But I did go in the Golden HorseShoe Saloon!
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