So I was going into Target or Targe' and something caught my eye as I walked through the front doors. A bag for your wet umbrella! Since I have lived in Las Vegas since 1995, I don't think about carry an umbrella or a bag to collect the rain from messing up the floor.
Just an interesting observation during my travels.
Welcome back to the Midwest. If you don't like the weather now, wait an hour!
The Map is a really nice addition.
Great Shot of the clouds, going to save and use a desktop image.
Hi to steph & anthony.
Mark and Mom
That is funny. I have lived here my whole life and never seen one of those. I have to admit, though, when I am entering Target, I am usually contending with my wild kids, keeping Drew from running off for the snack bar, and cramming the too-large Blake into the seat of a cart.
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