Monday, November 5, 2007

Nov 10th--The Happiest Place On Earth!!

DLR Castle Nov10, originally uploaded by Nextelguy.

Yes I am Back... One more week working behind the scenes at DLR!! This photo is of Sleeping Beaty's Castle(Cinderella's is in WDW in Flordia). This was a first for the castle...Snow!! Last year the castle was covereed with gold for the 50th Anniversity but for this holiday season it has snow!!!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Off to SING @ Walmart Opening!

Off to SING @ Walmart Opening!, originally uploaded by Nextelguy.

Yes , you read that right. The Legacy High School Choir was asked na paid to sing at a new WalMart Opening. He had to be there by 5:30am so the whole household was up by 4:30am.

Great way to raise money for a field trip!