MERRY CHRISTMAS ! Wishing all of you a Merry Holiday and may 2009 be a Happy New Year!!
Why don't teenagers come with a owner's manual?
Well today this CUTE GUY is 41 years old. But I am looking at the 41st year of my life, as the first year of the next 40 years. So look for me to post a picture of me at 40 on my 81st Birthday.
So a Birthday Wish into CyberSpace....
Well, you know that I would definately "Wish Upon A Star", but a gift that would be fine with me would be another trip to..
Not someone that I would have wanted to share my birthday with BUT, At least she was a MOUSEKETEER!
[Drum Roll, Trumpet Fanfare]
The Birthday of the Greatest Imagineer and Mouseketeer:
Walter Elias Disney
So Make this a Magical Day ... I will try to follow in Walt's Footsteps;
So on December 5th, sometime during your day, hum, whisle, or sing a Disney Song!
You will be "tipping your hat" to the Dreamer that gave the World a little more joy and happiness than it had before.
Remember, It all started with a Mouse !