He's a Maniac, Maniac on the floor and He’s dancing like he has never danced before.....
See how Anthony dances at his Cousin Jennifer's wedding in Dayton OH. He was dancing to Ladies Nights and Thriller. I will post the video of the dance as soon as I get it from my brother.
He was a crazy dancer. He had them all going, for sure! Who knew the "Thriller" dance was all imrov? From his moves, I thought he had been studying the music video.
Anthony is a great dancer. I agree with Kristie, who knew he was improving--besides Stephanie and Chris that is! You should see him square dance! We had a great time at Jen's wedding. Glad you guys were able to make it--wouldn't have been the same without you.
i need to get the viceo tape from Eric So I can upload it to YouTube
Here is the video...
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