Tuesday, February 17, 2009


So the pass two weeks, Anthony had his performances of the William Shakespeare's THE TEMPEST.

Here is a commercial that we created for the school to show during the "morning announcements". For those of you who have been out of school awhile. Yes they now here video morning announcement instead of just PA broadcast from the Principal's office.

Here is the video:

I will post a copy of the show , after I render it to the web.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Random Picture

So I guess my Sister's husband's family have expanded their Air Conditioning business to include vacumn cleaners and opened a store in Las Vegas.
(not sure if that double 's is correct grammer) Ha Ha.

Just thought it was funny.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

More Information about possible movie role

Here is the link to the information for the open audtion for Edward Casting. Universal Pictures Casting Edward Side

Legacy High School's performance of William Shakespeare's THE TEMPEST starts Thursday Night , so I hope to have some clips posted on Friday or Saturday.